James has literally been nursing non-stop for three hours. I'm trying to just be resigned to it but as my boobs get sorer and sorer it is hard to go with the flow. Every time I take him off he starts crying and rooting. ::WHINE::
Just needed to get that out of my system.
Hang in there- YOU ARE DOING AWESOME!!! He sounds a little bit like Teddy at that age and just do whatever you have to do to get through it. I bought myself lots of books from an author I love, watched lots of movies, etc. I didn't have any pain though so I imagine that makes the hour long sessions much harder. Does your midwife have any suggestions to help with the nipple pain?
that sucks. believe it or not, you may miss the marathon nursing sessions before too long. at 9 months, my little guy is all business when he nurses. (and i sometimes miss the snuggles)
Sounds like a growth spurt. These are very normal, as you well know, and are to increase your supply as his needs change. This, too shall pass! (Telling you as well as myself! Serenity has just hit her 6 week growth spurt, and has done marathon nursing for the last 32 hours or so...not helpful when I have other sick ones at the same time! But I know it will be short lived, and at most will last 3 days...)
Good luck and keep up the good work!
Yup - sounds like a growth spurt to me. Hopefully it'll only last a day or two! Hang in there!
Thanks guys, you totally cheered me up. He wasn't quite as bad today (not bad like "bad baby", bad like non-stop nursing--just felt the need to clarify that, LOL), so hopefully tomorrow he'll be back to just a normal amount of cluster feeds--that is, take some short breaks. ;-)
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