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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lazy Days . . .

So, I'm having a lazy day today. Not only have I not accomplished a SINGLE thing yet today, I don't really have any plans to try.

On the one hand I feel bad, on the other hand, I think to myself: Hey, I'm pregnant--WHATEVER!

Plus I'm once again feeling a little pukey today. Not REALLY, but just like my stomach is off and not feeling good.

So I'm all snuggled up on my couch with no plans except to make dinner.

I think I'm making Chinese cabbage and shittake mushrooms baked in a dutch oven, and beans and rice to go with it. That's the plan, anyway.

1 comment:

justadrienne said...

Wow reading this reminds me of what my life used to be like before James was born--I could just hang out on the couch all day--watch TV, surf the net, do NADA. It's not going to be like that again for soooo many years!

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