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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: A Boy and His Dad


Amy said...

Aww!! He just doesn't look anything like his dad! He is like your little mini me!

justadrienne said...

Haha OMG Amy he SO looks like him! I can't believe you can't tell in these pics. He has my eyes and does def look like me but his nose and mouth and face shape (and even the set of his eyes!) are his Dad! I stand by my conviction but we'll see in a few more years, I'm sure it will be more obvious then, hehe.

Unknown said...

aw I LOVE THIS!! and it's weird, he looks like if someone took you and James and mixed you guys in a mixing bowl and the result is james. he's a complete mixture of both of you.

i feel like the specific features are so hard to tell who's is who's. (did that make sense?)

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