Expecting our Little Brother in November!

pregnancy calendar

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Accomplishments!

Well, we got quite a few more things done off of our to-do before baby list!

Stuff we got done today:
-Pay bills
-Get waterproof bed cover for the bed
-All Christmas shopping for Whitney's family (Whitney, 4 nieces and a nephew) done!
-Buy photo album for ultrasound pictures and birth/labor pictures
-Buy birth ball
-Exchange birthing sheets
-Some art hung up
-Get an air mattress insert for the guest bed

Still on the to-do list:
-Get shelf installed over changing area
-Get a deep-freeze freezer for storing breastmilk and other things
-Order bio-bricks for the woodstove
-Clean/modify woodstove so it burns more efficiently
-Get woodstove inspected
-More Christmas shopping
-Get a space heater
-Get a plumber to fix our washing machine so it fills more quickly
-Clean and rearrange bedroom to fit birth tub
-Get final baby stuff at Babies R Us with coupons (need to make 2 trips to use the coupons)
-Get out winter clothes/put away summer clothes
-Find pillbox
-Write Email to Ophelie
-Hang up the rest of the art/mirrors which was rearranged
-Make freezer/canned meals (spaghetti sauce, soup stock, lentil veggie stew, pancakes, gravy for thanksgiving)


Alyssa said...

You're getting there! I admire your energy too :)

laurengould said...

Mom and I made carrot soup, so she will be giving you some frozen of that, it is real yum!

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